St Anselm's Catholic Primary School

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Theme Week


Theme Week is a long-standing tradition at St Anselm’s and it is an opportunity for the whole school to focus on one theme across the week, to enrich their learning.  The children come together into family groups (one child from each year group) and work together, as well as working in their class groups. 

We also have many visitors, including parents, who come in to enhance learning. The children learn a whole school dance and they are engaged in creative, fun, engaging projects across the week, including a whole school quiz.

Theme week is a collaborative opportunity that embodies our school mission statement and our vision, helping children to become life-long learners.

Previous Theme Weeks:

2018: Around the World

2019: Happiness is.......

2021: Planet Hope

2022: Shakespeare Rocks

2023 Planet Tooting

2024 The Olympics and Paralympics