St Anselm's Catholic Primary School

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Our vision

We want our children to grow in their faith and to be enthusiastic, life-long learners who are able to discuss, share and use their knowledge and skills.


We aim to have a curriculum that leads children to think and reason, to verbalise and debate, to fail and thus achieve, and to challenge themselves. The curriculum and pedagogy allows for children to self-evaluate and develop autonomy. Learning is accelerated through depth rather than breadth with the expectation that learning persists, is maintained and is built on


We focus on both knowledge and skills. We teach discrete lessons, based on National Curriculum objectives, and the acquisition of knowledge is achieved through a varied and rich approach to learning. Purposeful learning builds on prior learning, from lesson to lesson and year to year, as a result of a carefully constructed curriculum. Teachers use misconceptions to feed into the next steps.


Teaching and Learning Policy

Teacher Feedback Policy


Our approach to teaching and learning