St Anselm's Catholic Primary School

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Statement on British Values

The Fundamental British Values are 

  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs  

As a Catholic School we seek to live out the values of Jesus Christ. We promote these values by our words and deeds, and Catholic doctrine and practice therefore permeates every aspect of the school’s activity. We provide a Catholic curriculum, which is broad and balanced, recognising that every pupil is unique and is created in the image of God. Our curriculum is designed to enable every pupil to discern their vocation and to be well equipped to follow it as active citizens in service to the world. Catholic Religious Education is the ‘’core of the core curriculum’’ (Pope St John Paul II) and the foundation of the entire educational process. We also provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities and strong pastoral support. We incorporate democratic principles, value the rule of law, support individual liberty and foster a community in which different faiths and beliefs are respected.

Through our work with local, national and international communities, we show a commitment to the common good. We teach our children to focus on helping those in need. This is reflected in our school motto: ‘We are called to serve, to walk humbly with God’.  Here are some examples of how we do this:Every Christmas the parents and children organise a Christmas party for the senior citizens in the parish. This is a long-standing and popular event.

  • Our school chaplains sometimes attend activities in the local parish such as ‘Soup and Sandwich’ which supports those who are vulnerable or lonely
  • We work closely with the other Catholic schools in our deanery and in Wandsworth, sharing good practice and coming together for training and prayer. Our children also attend ‘Picnic and Praise’
  • We support CAFOD projects in school, with the children raising money through sponsored events. Our link CAFOD leader comes into school regularly to present assemblies about places in the world where CAFOD are working
  • We have worked alongside our local Muslim school, Gatton Primary. Our chaplains presented an assembly about being a Catholic and some of the children form Gatton came and spoke to our children in assembly too.

Click here for further information about British Values at our school