St Anselm's Catholic Primary School

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Education Wellbeing Service

Mental Health & Wellbeing in our School & Community

At St Anselm’s Catholic Primary School, we believe that good mental health and wellbeing is essential for children to develop and grow.

We know from research that positive wellbeing and mental health is linked to quality of life, relationships and capacity to learn. At different times, lots of children can struggle with their mental health which can be for lots of different reasons (and not just because of technology or social media). We believe that early access to advice and support is key to promoting wellbeing at an early stage. 

Wellbeing is not only important to children but to all of us. This is why we are part of a community of schools in Wandsworth dedicated to a Whole School Approach to mental health and wellbeing. We aim to work together to promote children's, parents, carers and staff wellbeing. 

We recommend speaking to a member school staff should you have any questions or concerns about your child’s wellbeing or mental health.


Getting Advice

Wandsworth Education Wellbeing Service runs live webinars for parents on a range of different mental health and wellbeing related topics, find out more and sign up here: Primary Parents - NHS Wellbeing Workshops | Eventbrite - they also have a range of recorded videos here - Education Wellbeing Service - SWLSTG - YouTube

Wandsworth Education Wellbeing Service also run in person parent coffee mornings on a variety of topics so look out for these being advertised in your school.

Young Minds is a great source of advice and support for parents on a range of mental health related topics and they have a parent hotline:


Autism, ADHD and SEN – Parent Advice and Support:

1) National Autistic Society – Expert advice, helpline and local support for supporting children with autism - National Autistic Society (

2) Wandsworth Autism Advisory Service (WAAS) provide bespoke local advice and support - Family Information Service | Wandsworth Autism Advisory Service (WAAS)

3) The ADHD foundation advice and support for families: Services for Families - ADHD Foundation: ADHD Foundation

4) ADDISS – The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service – a charity with friendly information and resources: ADDISS


National Sleep Helpline – advice and support for sleep difficulties: National Sleep Helpline - The Sleep Charity or call 0330 530 541

Toileting difficulties and or free helpline on 0808 801 0343


Getting Help

In School Wellbeing and Mental Health Support:

In school support options to support your child’s wellbeing may include ELSA (Emotional Literacy and Support), Nurture Groups, Whole Class PSHE sessions and workshops supported by the NHS and other services such as our Worry Ninja sessions to support Year 6s with confident transitions to secondary school.

We recommend also speaking to your class teacher or SENCo if you would like to think about other options for support or talk through any concerns.

What support is available to support my child’s wellbeing and mental health?

Wandsworth Education Wellbeing Service works with our school offering early and preventative evidence-based mental health advice and support. They are an NHS team that includes qualified Wellbeing Practitioners who offer:

* 1:1 Guided Self-Help with Parents to Help their Child’s Common Fears or Worries (best for parents of children aged 5-11) – this usually involves 6-8 weekly sessions with parents to provide and think together about tools to help with children’s anxieties or worries. This can include things like phobias, building confidence, anxiety and difficulties around bedtimes or going to school, health worries and other fears. The sessions use ideas and tools including from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

* 1:1 Guided Self-Help with Parents to Help their Child’s Common Tricky or Challenging Behaviours (best for parents of children aged 2-8) - this usually involves 6-8 weekly sessions with parents to provide and think together about different tools to support emotional dysregulation, tricky or challenging behaviour. The team talks through a few ideas per week to try out and make sure it is specific to your child and your situation. 

*Sometimes the service includes children in sessions but mostly sessions run with parents to equip parents with tools to help their children with difficulties both now and in the future. Research shows for primary age sessions with parents are generally more effective.

You can self-apply for the service using their digital one page application form here: CWPs Primary -Parent Form for the Education Wellbeing Service Guided-Self Help Programme

You can also pick up a paper form from reception or email the team at:

The team will then aim to contact you within a few weeks to arrange an initial call – usually over video call but this can also be face-to-face if you prefer. This will be to tell you more about the service, hear about your child – their strengths/interests and current challenges and make sure the service might be right for you (if not they will give ideas on other support available).


Other available Services and Support:

* CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) can be referred to via your GP or School for specific mental health concerns. This includes for specific complex mental health concerns such as OCD, PTSD or consideration of neurodevelopmental difficulties such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or Autism Spectrum Condition – see Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - Website ( Please note that the Wandsworth Education Wellbeing Service is part of the NHS and linked to CAMHS and is the main provider of CBT-based early support for parents of primary aged children in Wandsworth.

* Wandsworth Family Information and Support Hubs – Wandsworth Family Hubs offer Support and Advice on a range of topics. This includes tailored parenting support and programs for parents of different aged children including children with special educational need and a directory of local services and supports on a range of issues and challenges: Family Information Service | Children's Centres and Family Hubs – you can also book a call to think about support options that are right for you

For Parents/Carers:

- Adults and Parents – Local Talking Therapies Service – Wandsworth and other boroughs offer talking therapies services for adults – you can often self-refer too or seek a referral via your GP: NHS talking therapies for anxiety and depression - NHS (

– SWLSTG, NHS Wandsworth Counselling and Therapy Support - Wandsworth Talking Therapies - Website

- Mind Mental Health Charity- Information, Advice and Support - Information and support - Mind

- Men’s Mental Health: Movember - Men's Health - Mental Health & Suicide Prevention - Andy's Man Club | #ITSOKAYTOTALK | Andy's Man Club ( - Homepage | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) (

- Samaritans – ‘whatever you’re going through, you can call us anytime, from any phone for free’ – call 116 123

- Mental Health Crisis Line – Urgent 24/7 NHS Helpline in South West London – 0800 028 8000


Getting Risk Support:

*Urgent Mental Health Advice Line for Parents/Carers of Children and Young People – should your child be experiencing suicidal thoughts or self-harming – we recommend contacting the friendly team on the CAMHS Urgent Advice Line on 0203 228 5980 for urgent advice and recommendations. In an immediate health emergency contact 999 or attend A&E

Education Wellbeing Service Poster with Parent Self Referral QR Code